Saturday, November 24, 2012

Not according to plan...

It's slaughter time again and I've travelled back "home". (I've lived more than half my life in the city but I still see the village here I grew up as home.) My oldest son is currently unemployed and living at home and I figured that I might as well bring him so that he can work too. I couldn't have planned it better...

Well, we were back home in time. That's about it. The weather is terrible, warm and rainy for the season, and the slaughter was postponed. My son have to leave on Monday (for a meeting that's a term of his unemployment) and... we start butchering on Monday.  

Looking at the bright side, he at least got to meet his grandmother, great grandmother and lots of other relatives that we don't meet in the city. He's also connected my mother's internet to a router so that I can easily access the internet while I'm here visiting. =)

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